Dentist Gijs Vreugdenhil takes a nap in his dental chair every afternoon

Gijs Vreugdenhil
Genealogy code: B XI d

By: Albert Sok
Source: De Stentor
Photo: Victor van Breukelen

Busy day or not, this dentist takes a nap every day in the dental chair, and everyone in Gijs Vreugdenhil’s dental practice knows: between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM, he must not be disturbed under any circumstances. For over thirty years, the well-known dentist from Dordrecht has been enjoying his power nap. “Otherwise, I’m unbearable for the rest of the day.” As the clock approaches 1:00 PM, Gijs Vreugdenhil is casually peeling a mandarin. While finishing his lunch, he opens the cabinet. There lies the equipment he needs to take his daily nap: a blanket, an eye mask, and a small pillow.