Rafael Putto and Charlotte Vreugdenhil want to share dreams together

Charlotte Vreugdenhil (M IX j.1.1) & Rafael

By: Suzanne Zijp
Source: In de Buurt
Photo: Suzanne Zijp

Rafael is the driving force behind the creations of Rafael’s Pastry. He worked in the pastry industry for many years, but as he himself says, “After 25 years, you reach a point where you want more. Working for a boss is nice, but at some point, development and challenge come to a halt.” Charlotte has a background in graphic design and previously worked in the clothing and sales industry. It all started when they met and began sharing their dreams. Charlotte says, “It quickly became apparent that we wanted to take on this challenge together. It’s amazing when you are appreciated for the work you create and envision yourself. Making people happy in this way isfantastic.

That’s why they embark on a new adventure together with a patisserie on Fahrenheitstraat in The Hague. Rafael and Charlotte searched for the perfect place for their patisserie. Various locations in Delft and The Hague were considered. But when they saw the property on Fahrenheitstraat, they knew it was the ideal place. “We believe that we can be an addition to the street because our concept is not here yet,” explains Rafael. “In our patisserie, it’s all about the experience,” Rafael emphasizes. “We have an open kitchen where everyone can chat with us or just watch. At our place, you see what normally happens behind the scenes. This makes people curious. People are amazed when they know that you make and design everything yourself.”