Rafael Putto and Charlotte Vreugdenhil want to share dreams together

Rafael is the driving force behind the creations of Rafael’s Pastry. He worked in the pastry industry for many years, but as he himself says, “After 25 years, you reach a point where you want more. Working for a boss is nice, but at some point, development and challenge come to a halt.” Charlotte has a background in graphic design and previously worked in the clothing and sales industry. It all started when they met and began sharing their dreams. Charlotte says, “It quickly became apparent that we wanted to take on this challenge together. It’s amazing when you are appreciated for the work you create and envision yourself. Making people happy in this way isfantastic. Read more...

Ellen Vreugdenhil of the Moeke foundation wins the volunteer award

In March 2020, the Moeke foundation won the Volunteer Award in the council chamber of the city hall of the municipality of Kampen. They have been cooking for years for people who, due to difficult family or personal circumstances, cannot do it themselves. How nice it is to be relieved of this burden and to be able to eat healthy in such a difficult situation. Ellen Vreugdenhil is overjoyed. Earlier, her Moeke foundation won the Volunteer Award from the municipality of Kampen, and Floorever provided them with a new floor free of charge so that they can do their work even better in the kitchen. “ Read more...

Käthe Dingerdis – Vreugdenhil has painting as a hobby

On my website kunsthobby.nl I want to show everyone that you can grown in your hobby. Painting is something you can learn! Before I started painting I didn’t have a clue about any of it and only started to gain some knowledge and experience during a course in watercolours. It is fun and relaxing to create something new. Plus it is very important to just have fun. Read more...